The Best Way to Master English

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Learning English is more than just books. At some point, hardbound references can start to have diminishing returns. You can stare at them all day and you won’t be any better. Because learning and mastering language are more about practice.

The question is, what are the best ways to practice? Should you talk to your native English-speaking friends? How about watching television and listening to English conversations? All of that is great. However, if you want to go down the more effective path, you are going to want to do the following.

Play Word Games

If you want to play alone and take your time, you can go to the app store. There are a lot of word games to choose from. It will allow you to expand your vocabulary in a fun and interactive manner, because staring at a dictionary is not something you’d want to do. 

There is no way for you to learn all the English words, but with word games, it makes it easier to familiarize and master the most common ones. The great thing about games is that there is increasing difficulty. You can improve your language skills one step at a time so you don’t get too overwhelmed.


As per the English Wise website that provides IELTS, PTE, NAATI English coaching in Australia, there are so many rules in the English language. The subject-verb agreement, prepositions, and so much more. Does reading how it works really make sense? In reality, the best way to understand what all those rules are is through seeing them in action by reading.

The more you read, the more you get to see different structures and understand when to do something. You’d be able to see when certain words are more likely to be used and much more. Reading may seem like a passive activity, but you are actually gradually building up your comprehension.


If you read, then you should write as well. Reading is learning something new; writing is putting those new knowledges to the test. The two should go together so that you can understand and communicate well in English. 

Partake in English Conversations

The most important thing about learning English is practice. It is not just about learning the words, but knowing when to use them. The more you speak and get involved in a conversation, the more you would understand context and application.

Also, partaking in a conversation gradually instills English into your muscle memory, specifically, your mouth. So, as time goes by, you don’t have to consciously think about the things you say. It will be easier to come up with the words needed and the right pronunciation.

Think in English

This may seem weird, but if you are still starting out, you’d want to take every opportunity you can get to practice English and that includes thinking in the language. Those lingering thoughts you have when you are alone? Do them in English. 


You’d be shocked how much you talk to yourself and the thoughts you contemplate in. You might even find yourself at a loss for the right words to keep your personal conversation going. In most cases, it is the best practice you can get because you always have yourself and you can take your time learning and discovering, as opposed to having a peer.

Bonus: Don’t Be Afraid to Make Mistakes

If you keep worrying about mistakes, you will not go far with English. The golden rule is, commit mistakes now instead of during important tests in the future. The goal here is to make sure that if you do something wrong, you get corrected. 

You never know if something is right or wrong. Unless it is pointed out to be the latter, it will stay that way and will come out sooner or later. So, stop thinking that you should get everything right the first time around. If you want to master English, be ready to make mistakes because it is one of the many things that will effectively build you up.

In Conclusion

Learning and mastering any form of language is centered around the concept of practice. There are a lot of ways for you to do that but there are always ones that stand out. They are the most effective when it comes to improving vocabulary, pronunciation, and getting comfortable with speaking English. 

They make sure to keep the learning process intuitive and enjoyable, instead of bookish and boring, so that you keep on going. These practices also help you learn practical English communication skills that are essential to any language test.

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